Friday, July 11, 2008

Our bike ride tonight

Sometimes it is more work than fun, to have fun. Tonight it was about 50/50. Minna left on her run and we were going to meet at the store. Just after she left Hannah decided that she didn't want to wear her helmet. After negotiating her helmet back on and finally getting the trailer into an elevator that was empty we were on our way. Which was probably 30 minutes after I intended to leave. When Minna finally found us I swear she was about to call 911.

But once we got going it was all worth it. I had fun taking pictures while biking.

Hannah as a plastic bowl because she was sick yesterday and this morning. She threw up yesterday and she'd had a bowl as a constant companion. Don't they look cute in their helmets!

We're pretty sure she doesn't need the bowl anymore, but I think having it makes her feel important. Tonight, as I tucked her in bed, her final goodnight request was, "Can I have a water and a bowl."

Jane had fun too.

I took this photo seconds after I took the above photo.


Miss K$ said...

HHAHA!!! Jane!!! Looks fun bro.

Carrie said...

Dan I feel your pain. How many times do I decide to do a fun activity with my kids and after it's all said and done I wonder was that worth it? 30 minutes of set up 45 minutes of clean up and 15 minutes of fun!!! I have to remind myself it's still worth it if there's fun in the middle.

Snake said...

Rod Lavers...your shoes. Mmm.